Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions we receive from our clients, if you do not find what you are looking for, please reach out to


ORBYLINE is a Labelled Fashion-tech design studio and service provider, that offers collection/product development from Digital to Physical. This implements in three stages from completely digital design development, to mixed reality and ultimately the physical product.

What are the Tech-oriented wearables?

In addition to digital wearables, we also offer limited physicals of selected items containing technology that enables connection to your digital twin.

What is a digital twin?

A digital twin is a virtual representation of your real-world identity.

What is the connection between physical and digital items?

The physicals of selected items containing technology can help you own both physical and digital version of a piece, which can help you to function and take action in the digital world.

What are the benefits of having both a digital and physical version of an item? Why should I use digital fashion jewelry items?

Digital wearables are the latest substitution for extraordinary designs to express or shape your identity without causing harm to the environment and without skipping production processes, which reduces waste and a considerable amount of time and effort.
Additionally, as we engage the digital world more, it allows you to choose your style and customize your looks in social media platforms of the metaverse. Imagine those work-meetings you will be participating in the metaverse, or the virtual social events such as concerts and gallery opening.
Last but not least, who doesn’t want to try on an extra-ordinary dress which is almost impossible to realize in the physical world?

Can I request a customized design?

Shortly, yes. We offer bespoke designs based on your individual style/preference or the brief of your company. Based on your request, we offer a multiple-step design process to ensure that the final product meets your request.

What will I receive after collecting a piece or request a project?

According to your request, the final digital product will be a set of files containing a 3D virtual design. If you purchased a limited physical piece, you will receive the real-life product.

Can I purchase a physical version of all products at the moment?

Our physical products will be very limited, and only for exclusive selected designs. We will announce the launch in the near future and from then you can start placing physical purchases.

How can I wear the digital pieces?

The digital pieces can be worn either on photos, or in the metaverse. If you would like to wear the piece for your photos and use them for social media platforms, after sending us the photo (contact us to receive information regarding the quideline for the photos) our team will digital-fit the garment on you, and you will receive the final picture. If you would like to wear it in the metaverse, you will receive the source file alongside other files which enables the fittings on the avatar.
You can also request a fitting for your avatar from our team.

How can I collaborate as a designer?

We collaborate with designers worldwide regardless of your location.
You can contact us via with the subject “Designer” and send us a portfolio/link of your works, we will contact you if any places are open or if any projects are aligned with your personal style to participate.

Can I collaborate if I am not a designer?

If you are a 3D technician, Photo retoucher, or an animator, you can also contact us at with the subject “Collaboration” with your resume/portfolio link attatched.